Sunday 5 February 2017

Random this & thats.

The Van Morrison station on Pandora kicked off with Into the Mystic so I've got that going for me....which is nice.

I was looking through some photos this morning and it occurs to me that I've left a bunch of stuff from past tours out of the previous posts. So today is for random non sequiturs and photos and such.

At the moment we're in Dunedin, Florida. In past years we've spent a fair amount of time down here over the winter for the purpose of fixing up shitty houses and putting them back on the market in varying degrees of improved condition. This year we weren't able to find a house due to the market being on the mend so it's just a quick visit to work on our tan and then back to Wisconsin. Well, briefly back to Wisconsin before we head to Kansas City for the Folk Alliance International conference. We'll again be hosting the Wisconsin Room featuring a number of Wisconsin based artists along with some of our favorite non-Sconnies. Feel free to visit our website at and in the event you'd like to make a donation to our room you can do that via a secure Paypal link!

Let's see, in other news, I've been recording a solo acoustic record in Milwaukee with Steve Hamilton at Making Sausage Studios. It'll be a collection of old songs that have all appeared on other records but all recorded as stripped down as possible. One guitar, one voice. Hopefully we should have that out  at the beginning of the summer but I'll keep the updates coming where that's concerned.

From the left, my J50, the Linus built OM28, Martin D28 and a Hummingbird...I think.

A while back I played a house concert in Nashville with my old pal Brooks West & Jeff Burke. Here's a photo with Jeff and Sarah Lou Richards. 

It's Super Bowl Sunday and I'm on wing duty. Better get crackin.
Thanks for checking in and we'll touch base again soon.

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